FREE ZNC account for IRCnet!

You must follow the rules listed below to keep your account!
Last update on 01/02/2025

1 free account per user Each user is restricted to 1 free account unless other arrangements are made. Attempted hoarding of accounts may result in you being banned from our service.

No illegal content Do not use our service for anything illegal, such as filesharing, child pornography, etc. This will lead to your immediate removal from our service.

Keep our hostnames clean We know when an account is banned/z:lined/k:lined/etc. This may lead to your account being removed, or at minimum blocked until we know the reason the IRC network took that action.

Follow network rules We know when an account is banned/z:lined/k:lined/etc. This may lead to your account being removed, or at minimum blocked until we know the reason the IRC network took that action.